Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a cycle of continuous distractions? That's what I have felt like this week. It seems I can't focus on anything! (Or anything important or worthwhile at least). Today I am home sick with what is looking like a sinus infection from the hammer pounding feeling between my eyes right now and trying to be diligent in finishing my final project for my grad class which ends tomorrow. In times like this it's good to remember God is in control. He knew I would have this sinus/cold and finals in the same week. Maybe I feel distracted because he is trying to get my attention? Possible :) If any of you are having a week similar... stuck in a rut, treading to keep your head above water, riding an emotional roller coaster, lacking sleep, feeling confused, and (one I am all to familiar with) overthinking about well...whatever you can overthink about... kind of week; you're not alone! :) Here's the verse I have been clinging to today, hope it will help you fight to get your focus back on what matters as it is helping me...
1 Peter 1:13-14 "Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."
Lord, help me and all who read this blog to focus on you today. Help us to be "holy"/ set apart in our thinking and actions as we rely on your Spirit to be obedient to your desires for our lives. Help us not to be conquered by distractions or temptations but rather to be victorious in you. Thank you for your words of truth that speak to us in the midst of anxiety. Help us today to not be "anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition to present [our] requests to [you] that [your] peace may guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Phil.4:6-7) Amen ("let it be").
More writing to come later....
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